Why You Need a Personal Budget
Why You Need a Personal Budget By Curt Smothers Evaluate your finances Do you have more and more month left at the end of your money? Are you using your credit card to buy things that in the past you paid cash for? When that credit card bill comes each month, do you only pay the minimum required? If the answers to those questions are "yes," you are heading for big trouble, and need to stop and take stock of your finances. You can call that process "personal budgeting" if you wish; it is really "personal rescue before it is too late." If you are heading for or are currently in financial straits, it is time to do the equivalent of whacking yourself upside the head and honestly evaluating your job, your lifestyle, income, prospects for increasing your income, and where you are right now. Keeping track of what you spend Let's look at the "right now." If you're spending more money than you make, you need to stop and evaluate what is happening...